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Legal notices and GDPR


The site is maintained by Mr S. IMBS and members of the pro eQuintessence Formation group. 

Contact email:

Telephone:  06 51 83 06 22


The director of the publication is: 

Mr Sylvain Gillier

43, rue Ch. De Gaulle

78730 St Arnoult en Yvelines.


The site host is: 

Wix Inc.
Address :  500 Terry A Francois Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158 
Telephone :  +1 415-639-9034.  



Privacy Policy


The issue of data protection and privacy is a topic we take very seriously, and we  respect national and European data protection regulations.  


This site respects the legislation in force on cookies.


We collect and process personal data only if you use particular services. This may be the case, for example, when you complete an internship registration form, when you search for a service provider outside the site, when you subscribe to a mailing list.  or when you send a request for information or  documents, by post, telephone, SMS message or e-mail.


As a user of our website, your anonymity will be respected. The data that we store and analyze is used only for statistical purposes, for example, to ensure the continuous improvement of the services we offer you, such as sending personalized mailings.


Unless we are subject to other legal obligations, we only use your personal data for the purposes for which you have given your consent.  


You have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data and you can withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data at any time by requesting the deletion of your stored personal data. To do this, simply send a message by email, phone or mail to:


Medical information  that you may be required to pass on, in particular during exchanges or interviews in preparation for sessions of therapy assisted by  the horse, are treated according to  regulatory provisions governing medical confidentiality in France.  We will not share your medical data with any third party unless you agree to it.


For mailings, we comply with international legal practices and follow the Code of Ethics for emailing as defined by the French National Union of Direct Communication and more generally the rules of Netiquette.  Mailings comply with GDPR standards from May 2018 for Newsletters, NHP newsletters and eQuintessence and Cheval Communication newsletters.  The procedures for unsubscribing from the mailing lists do not involve sending a confirmation email, according to the current recommendations. Any unsubscription from a mailing list can only be canceled by the holder of the e-mail address who unsubscribed.


For internship registrations, in general, we ask you to indicate an email address that can be shared with the  other participants of the course in order to facilitate the organization and possible sharing or car-pooling. Organizational emails sent to course participants are made in certified copy (cc). If you want your e-mail address to be masked or not to be distributed to other participants of the same course as the one for which you are registered, you must inform one of the eQuintessence managers and / or one of the trainers.  We cannot be held responsible for any use made by  third parties of your email address.



General Conditions, Internal Regulations and Best Practices


The General Conditions of Participation (CGP) for activities organized by  the eQuintessence professional group,  eQuintessence Training, as well as internships, therapeutic sessions and individual consultations, including registration conditions and   of payment of participations, the conditions of refunds and free and conscious participations  can be downloaded at this link.

These CGP are subject to change without notice to comply with changes in the legislation in force on French territory.


Therapeutic sessions, in the presence of horses or not, including systemic therapy sessions,  cognitive therapy sessions, brief therapy sessions,  or other therapeutic sessions,   are organized under the responsibility of Doctor Sylvain Gillier, DE doctor of the Faculty of Medicine of Strasbourg, specialized in Homeopathy, Registered with CO 78 under number 12-4458, certified equitherapist Eponaquest POH Master Herder and Advanced Eponaquest Instructor.


The Eponaquest courses are organized according to the principles of the Eponaquest Code of Ethics, as expressed here, and in French translation,   of the Code of ethics and standards of good practice as presented  on the Eponaquest France website here.

The eQuintessence courses and training are organized according to the principles of good eQuintessence practice. Participation in eQuintessence courses and training modules assumes full compliance with the eQuintessence Code of Ethics and Internal Regulations, as provided to each participant at the start of these activities.



Photographic rights and image rights


Unless otherwise stated, the photographic rights of the images and videos produced on the training site are the property of the assoc. Horse Communication and eQuintessence.


The photos of training courses by Giulia photographies and Leila Audrey Pagès are reproduced with the authorization of the authors and the beneficiaries.  


The photos of Clayson, Jones, Jeneda Benally and the other members of their family are reproduced with their permission and with reference to the photographic sources made available by Brent Stirton, Erika Larsen, Leila Pagès, Giulia Photographs, and are extracted  with the permission of image rights, and under the agreements of "fair use", articles published in Figaro Magazine, Arizona High Times and the exhibition "People of the Horse" by Erika Larsen. Stéphane Barbato's photos taken from the film Hozho are reproduced with the permission of their author.


The Youtube and Viméo videos reproduced on this site  do not constitute copies but hypertext links. Their authors remain the owners of the corresponding image rights.


To assert your image rights, you can contact the site manager and / or write to If this process remains unanswered within 2 months or in the event of an unsatisfactory response, you can enter the  Cnil  to contest the dissemination of your image on the link:




Copyright and reproduction rights


E ponaquest, Cheval Communication, Native Horse Project, Navajo Horse Experience, Self Constellations and eQuintessence are protected trademarks and names.

This site is covered by French legislation on copyright and intellectual property rights. 

Therefore, the information provided on this site can only be used for strictly personal purposes.


Any use of the information and texts provided on this site for commercial purposes or for any other purpose is purely and simply prohibited.


All reproduction rights are reserved, including iconographic and photographic representations.


The brands mentioned on this site may or may not be registered by the companies which own them. Therefore, any reproduction and / or representation and / or redistribution, in whole or in part, on any electronic medium or not, present or future, is prohibited without the express prior authorization of the owner. Failure to comply with this prohibition is likely to constitute an act of counterfeiting engaging the civil and criminal liability of any offender.


The original texts and photographs presented on this site are the property of eQuintessence, Sylvain Gillier-Imbs and Cheval Communication, unless expressly stated.  

Any reproduction, modification, distribution of these texts and associated photos is therefore subject to the prior written authorization of Sylvain Gillier-Imbs or a manager of eQuintessence.


Fair Use


You can summarize an article,   cite an article and make a link to this article according to the  "fair use" practices.


You can use  a photo of the site according to the "fair use" practices  by mentioning its link and the internet reference to

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